Athena Portal

How to use Athena Portal

Athena Portal is a consumer facing application developed by Plutum Foundation that allows for interaction with the voting and liquid democratic features of PLTM.

The Portal has four fundamental capabilities:

  • creation of proposals

  • deposit for new proposals

  • voting on proposals

  • delegation of votes

In this guide, we'll explain what each of them are and how to use them.

Creation of proposals

If you wish to create a proposal, the process is simple.

Begin by clicking the "Vote" button on the panel to the left. At the bottom, you should see a heading titled "Create or search for a proposal". If you look below the heading, you can find a button titled "Create proposal". Click the button and you will be taken to the create proposal page.

Once on the page, you are required to provide your proposal with details such as a title, proposal type, and body text.

Favoured proposals normally have a short, straight-forward title with little to misinterpret. In addition, favoured proposals also consistently have an accurate tag, and descriptive body text that breaks down how exactly the proposal will work and what your proposal intends to change.


Before a proposal can go to the voting stage, it has to be shown that there is sufficient interest in your proposal. This is to prevent proposal spam and ensure proposals are of quality. Once you create a proposal, all of your votes, both delegated and owned, go to deposit.

Once a proposal reaches the deposit limit of 10000 votes, all deposited votes automatically become "Yes" votes in favour of the proposal.


Voting is the most fundamental and basic feature of Athena. If you have no delegated your vote, voting is simple. To vote, just click on a proposal and click the button at the top right that says vote.

When voting on a proposal, you have three choices: yes, no, or abstain. Yes votes in favour of passing the proposal, no votes against the proposal, and abstain removes your votes from the count pool. "Uncast" votes exist as a fourth state and like abstain votes, aren't counted for yes or no, but unlike abstain votes, remain in the count pool.

The count pool is the total number of eligible votes, and can be counted in two ways:

votetotalvoteabstain=votepoolvote_{total} - vote_{abstain} = vote_{pool}
votefor+voteagainst+voteuncast=votepoolvote_{for}+vote_{against}+vote_{uncast} = vote_{pool}

Once you make a choice on how you wish to vote, you will cast all of your votes. You can cast your votes exclusively for one choice; if you had 1000 votes, both owned and delegated, you can cast all 1000 in only one direction.

If your votes are delegated and the address you delegated to has already voted, the choice you voted by inheritance will be displayed as muted and unclickable.

If your votes are delegated and the address you delegated to has already voted, the button will say "Vote", but will be displayed as muted and unclickable.

If you previously delegated your votes during a voting period before undelegating them and the address you delegated to had already voted, your votes are inherited as being cast in one direction. However, you may change your vote by hovering over the button, after which all the options will appear and you are free to cast your vote as you wish.

If you already cast your vote but you wish to change your vote, simply hover over the button, after which all the options will appear and you are free to cast your vote as you wish, even in a different direction.

For a proposal to pass, at least 20% of votes from more than 10 addresses must vote in favour, with fewer than 20% of votes for no. Abstain votes are removed from the total vote count.

Last updated

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